About Our Expert Gift Connoisseurs

About Us​​

About Us

We believe in giving with meaning! Our editorial team strives to provide insights into caring and ideas to express that care.

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Whatever the event, occasion, or excuse… to give kindly is the greatest joy. We delve into gift ideas, the gifts themselves, and the meanings and traditions behind how to give.

Any time of year is the best time to give a gift to a loved one, a random stranger, or anyone at all. Gracious and kind giving improves all our lives.

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Easy Steps to Intuit Great Gifts

The Philosophy of Gifting Series

Gifting Blog

About Each of Us​

Ren August

Gift Connoisseur in Chief

Lilly Andrews

Chief Executive Bunny Guru

Horus August

Contribution Connoisseur

Grace Jenkins

Gift Connoisseur

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